Friday, May 1, 2009

17 weeks

I am 17 weeks today. I can't believe I am almost half way there. I had my check up this week. I've gained 3 pounds since my last check up but I am not yet at my first appointment weight. They couldn't find the heartbeat again with the doppler so I had to have another ultrasound. The heartbeat was fine -- 150. The baby was all scrunched in a ball so we couldn't get a good look at him/her. I still think it is a girl. I would start calling the baby Adelyn but if it is a boy I don't want to insult him! :) My nausea has pretty much subsided and I have a little more engery. I've started cleaning the house again and am anxious to get some flowers planted. Our next appointment is after Memorial Day and then the "big" ultrasound is two weeks after that. We are still not going to find out what we are having unless the baby is straddling the camera at our ultrasound in June. We've picked out the nursery colors but have not yet painted. We need to start getting furniture too. The last 17 weeks have flown by if the next 17 do I'll never be ready for Baby T-rex!

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