I got up this morning all ready to do my shot. First off I was supposed to reduce Lurpron from 10 Units to 5. I totally forgot. After I did that one I moved on to my very first Bravelle shot. I have been so excited since the RE told me it was a go. So I diligently took everything out and sorted it just like the directions said (once a Brownie, always a Brownie). I took 1 cc of solution and injected it into the first vial. Then when I extracted it it was less than 1cc. WTF!!!! So rather than waste the meds I moved on to the second vial and mixed that too. Now, since I failed to suppress in November my RE said I need to do the stims IM in stead of Sub-Q. So I took off the Q-cap and put on the 1 1/2 " needle. Yikes! I realize the idea is to have your DH do it but I decided to do it myself for 2 reasons:
1. My husband was born with a birth defect I can never remember the name of that when he came out of the birth canal he was stuck so the doctor pulled him out by his right arm and subsequently destroyed many of the nerves in his right arm. So he has very limited use of his right arm. We call it his "bad wing" or the "t-rex".
So, I began measuring the middle of my thigh (one hand by he knee, one had by the abdoment, shoot up in the middle section). I started to put the needle and HOLY SHIT it hurt like a bitch! I did just what I was supposed to do though and asperrated to see if there was blood and there wasn't so I kept on. And then I bled for an eon.
If there is any question about how bad I want a baby, let me tell you this. To shoot myself up TWICE a day IM style is not comfortable. But I will do what I have to do to get pregnant.
Hopefully it'll get easier.
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